Category: Lawns

Annual Trampweed

Has your lawn been invaded by a weed that goes to seed in early summer with white, fluffy, dandelion-like seeds? This invasive, winter annual weed is Facelis retusa, or annual trampweed. It’s been...

Moss & Algae Control in Lawns

Mosses are nonparasitic, primitive green plants that have fine branched, threadlike stems with tiny leaves. They reproduce by means of wind-blown spores. Mosses typically form a thick, green mat on...


Dollarweed (Hydrocotyle spp.), also known as pennywort, is a warm-season perennial weed. It gets the common name, dollarweed, from its silver-dollar-shaped leaves. The leaves of dollarweed are...

Lawn Weed Control Timing Chart

Effective Weed Management The most effective weed management strategy is to maintain a thick and healthy lawn. This minimizes sunlight from reaching the soil surface, as many weeds require sunlight...


Chamberbitter (Phyllanthus urinaria) is also known as gripeweed, leafflower, or little mimosa. It is a warm-season, annual, broadleaf weed that emerges from warm soils beginning in early summer. It...


Nutsedges are very aggressive and persistent weeds that commonly infest lawns, vegetable and flower gardens, and home landscapes. They can be very difficult to eradicate, and their control is likely...

Florida Betony

Florida betony (Stachys floridana) is native to Florida and began appearing in other states in the 1940s and 50s. It has become an aggressive weed in residential and commercial landscapes in South...

Topdressing A Home Lawn

With the expansion of residential landscapes in the US, the number of homeowners interested in learning how to start and maintain a healthy lawn has increased. Bare soil is usually easier to work...

Mushrooms in Lawns

Mushrooms are the above-ground fruiting bodies of fungi that live in the soil. These fungi feed on decaying organic matter, such as old roots, stumps and thatch. When these fungi are present in your...

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