If your home or recreation area is near a pond, lake, or a slow moving river or stream, you may have been “swarmed” by nuisance flies you thought were mosquitoes. It is a good possibility that they...
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Aug 2, 2004 | Entomology, Problems
If your home or recreation area is near a pond, lake, or a slow moving river or stream, you may have been “swarmed” by nuisance flies you thought were mosquitoes. It is a good possibility that they...
Aug 2, 2004 | Entomology, Problems
As you drive down the highways of the southern United States, you may encounter a nuisance in the form of splattered insects on your windshield, hood, and radiator grill. The nuisance may occur in...
Jul 2, 2004 | Entomology, Problems
Land planaria are large, ‘slimy,’ flatworms that reach ¾-12 ½ inches in length and 1/8 inch wide. Originally brought to the United States in the soil of potted plants transported from Indo-China,...
May 6, 2004 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
The name, cellar spider, comes from the location where they are often found: damp cellars, basements, and crawl spaces. They have very long, thin legs and are often confused with the harvestmen or...
Apr 6, 2004 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Argentine ants are not native to the United States. They were introduced to the US probably on coffee ships from Brazil and Argentina through the port of New Orleans sometime before 1891. They...
Apr 6, 2004 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
The acrobat ant gets its common name from raising its abdomen over its thorax and head when disturbed. These ants, which are actually several species, will bite on occasion and will give off a...
Mar 6, 2004 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Booklice belong to a large group of small to medium sized insects called Psocoptera. Also known as psocids, booklice are related to plant insects called barklice. Though booklice may have a body...
Dec 1, 2003 | Entomology, Landscape, Problems, Trees
Known for large nests and a defensive nature, baldfaced hornets are an impressive and often misunderstood members of the wasp family. Contrary to the name, the baldfaced hornet is not a hornet. It...
Oct 2, 2003 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
In the fall, large numbers of lady beetles (ladybugs) may be found around homes and other buildings in South Carolina. Some residents have report thousands of these beetles congregating on outside...
Dec 6, 2002 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Infestations of insects do NOT develop overnight. If an infestation does occur, the help of a pest management professional may be needed to properly identify the pest and precisely treat the...
Dec 6, 2002 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems, Structural
If growing vegetables and flowers is your hobby, you may consider paper wasps as welcomed guests. Like many other social wasps, paper wasps feed on many insect pests of gardens. Unfortunately, paper...
Nov 25, 2002 | Entomology, Landscape, Medical, Problems
The Asian tiger mosquito is the most common daytime biting mosquito in the Carolinas. This mosquito was accidentally brought into the United States from Asia in used tires. It quickly spread into...
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