Category: Tasty Bites

Canning and Preserving Tips: Why Blanch?

Why blanch vegetables before freezing? Blanching vegetables before freezing is critical to quality, but not safety. Blanching is scalding vegetables in boiling water or steam for a short time. It is...

French Fry Alternatives

According to the USDA, the two highest consumed vegetables in the United States are potatoes and tomatoes. 40% of that potato consumption was frozen and 58% of the tomato consumption was canned. We...

Easter Egg Safety

A few years ago, I crossed paths with an individual who was eager to eat the dyed eggs after a lengthy outdoor Easter egg hunt. My reaction was “No! Don’t do that!”. Foodborne illness is a concern...

National Spinach Day

March is typically filled with just about everything green, from St. Patrick’s Day to a great time to start planting your spring leafy vegetables. March 26th is National Spinach Day and is also one...

Poke Bowls – This Year’s Food Fad

Poke bowls, fish salads, originated in Hawaii and then became popular in California. The popularity of this dish has spread across the United States in 2018 and into 2019. According to,...

New Year, New Habits

Are you the person who every year swears that this is the year they are going to eat healthy and get in shape, but by February you’re back to your old habits? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most...

Q & A of the Week – Fruit Cake Storage

Q: The holidays have come and gone, but some of us still have leftover food lingering around, and others are stocking up on post-season grocery sales. We got an HGIC call this week from a gentleman...

Holiday Cooking

Reflecting on Thanksgiving and getting ready for round two. Here’s the takeaway: Start your kids in the kitchen early. One day they may make beautiful pies! Befriend someone who lives on a farm and...

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