Category: Water

Trees for Stormwater Management

It is often said that one of the best things you can do to manage stormwater is to plant a tree. When it rains on natural areas, such as forests or other vegetated landscapes, some rainfall runs off...

South Carolina’s Water Resources

Each of us depends on water for nearly all aspects of life. From drinking water, growing food, and producing electricity to manufacturing, recreation, and healthy rivers. Having access to plentiful,...

South Carolina’s Water Planning

Will we have enough water – where and when we need it? Planning for future water needs is an ongoing process to determine how much water we have (and expect to have in the future), how much water we...

Managing Water in the Home Landscape

The weather events and weather patterns of recent years, like the “1000 year storm” in 2015 associated with Hurricane Joaquin, have left residents grappling with water management in their yards. On...

Freshwater Bryozoan

Have you ever looked in your pond and seen what could only be described as an alien egg? Bryozoans certainly look like something from out of this world and are often mistaken for many common pond...

Water Management In The Home Landscape

If not properly managed, stormwater runoff can have detrimental and costly impacts to personal property. Particularly during severe weather, high-intensity or long-duration rainfall can lead to...

Rain Chain

What is a Rain Chain? A rain chain is an alternative to the traditional downspout. Rain chains originated in Japan, where they have been used for hundreds of years. More recently, rain chains have...

Stormwater Ponds: A Guide for Pond Owners

Meet Your Stormwater Pond Do you know if you have a stormwater pond in your neighborhood? Chances are that you do, but you might call it by another name, perhaps a lagoon, lake, or just the local...

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