Author: Justin Ballew

Question of the Week – Timber Rattler

What kind of snake is this and is it poisonous? This is a timber rattler (Crotalus horridus), also known as a canebrake rattler. While snakes are not poisonous, this species is venomous. What is the...

Question of the Week – Armyworms

What is causing this lawn to turn brown even though it has received over 5 inches of rain so far this month? This lawn is infested with fall armyworms (Spodotera frugiperda). In just a few days, the...

Question of the Week – TSWV

What is going on with this Roma tomato? The tie-dye appearance of this tomato is due to it being infected by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). TSWV is an important virus of tomato, pepper, eggplant,...

Question of the Week – Rice Trunk

What is this piece of equipment used for? This piece of equipment is called a trunk and was historically used to manipulate the water levels in rice fields along the coast of South Carolina. The...

Question of the Week – Stink Bugs

What has caused this gelatinous substance to ooze from a developing peach? This gelatinous substance is often called “gummosis” and can be caused by a number of things, such as disease, mechanical...

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