Author: Stephanie Ann Turner

What’s Eating You?

Perhaps as you’ve strolled through your garden lately, you’ve looked at a plant and thought, “What’s eating you?” It can be tricky to discern what is doing the munching when the muncher is nowhere...

This Month in Your Garden – May 2023

Coastal Region – Christopher Burtt Though summer is not quite here, the heat is on its way. May is the month to start turf care. Care is based on the type of turf. With mower blades fully...

Caring for Spring-blooming Bulbs

A couple of small patches of daffodils in my yard bring me joy each spring. A few years back, I purchased a few pots of declining plants at the local box store in late spring and plunked them in the...

Phylloxera of Pecan

Phylloxerans are tiny, aphid-like insects that cause galls on plants as a result of their feeding. Once the feeding damages the leaf tissue, the plant tries to compartmentalize the wound. Then a...

Tomatoes in Containers

Gardeners across the U.S. are in varying stages of preparing their vegetable gardens. Most will choose to include tomatoes in their plans. According to, tomatoes are the number one...

Plan a Garden Full of Winners

Another group of tested and trialed garden plants have proven themselves winners in the All-America Selections (AAS) program. The twelve 2022 winners include four flowers and eight new vegetables...

Tool Hygiene

A gardener’s tools can make or break even the most mundane tasks. If tools are kept in good condition, they will make tasks easier and not cause other trouble down the road. Most people realize that...

Are Those Old Vegetable Seed Still Good?

Many gardeners have a collection of seed packets that contain seeds that didn’t make it into the garden in years past. Before purchasing more seed, check the stock of any seed still on hand from...


Marigolds (Tagetes species) are easy to grow, economical, bloom reliably all summer, and infrequently have insect and disease problems. They are a popular warm-season annual with bright,...

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