Category: In the Garden

What’s Happening with Hemp?

What controls are in place at Clemson University (CU) to ensure compliance with state and federal hemp farming regulations? Clemson University’s Regulatory & Public Service Program works closely...

Water Conservation at Home

Earlier this summer, the lack of rain, sweltering summer sun, and our thirsty gardens were a reminder to all of us that water is a vital part of our day-to-day life. Hot, dry conditions can stress...

Weed of the Month- Rustweed

Rustweed (Polypremum procumbens) Rustweed or juniper leaf is a native plant that earns its name from orange coloring in the fall. It is a drought-tolerant summer annual or short-lived perennial...

Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

The eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) is found throughout South Carolina. Also known as the eyed elater, this is one of the larger click beetles in the region, with adults sometimes...

This Month in Your Garden- July 2022

Coastal – Laura Lee Rose Check rain gauges and run sprinklers as needed to keep grass healthy and green. One inch of irrigation can be added weekly if there isn’t sufficient rainfall. Look for any...

National Ice Cream Day

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, including National Ice Cream Day, which is always on the third Sunday of July. This year we’re celebrating on...

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