Indoor Plants for the Classroom
Growing plants in the classroom can provide a wealth of benefits for students and educators. Indoor plants have been linked to improved concentration and memory as well as a reduction in stress....
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Mar 21, 2019 | In the Garden
Growing plants in the classroom can provide a wealth of benefits for students and educators. Indoor plants have been linked to improved concentration and memory as well as a reduction in stress....
Mar 18, 2019 | Fruits & Vegetables, In the Garden, Vegetables
What is the advantage of starting vegetables from seed? Choosing to start vegetable plants from seeds allows gardeners the freedom to try varieties that are not readily available as transplants,...
Mar 14, 2019 | In the Garden
St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is a popular celebration in the United States, due to the number of Americans, 10.5%, with Irish heritage. One million Irish emigrated to North America, Australia, or...
Mar 11, 2019 | In the Garden
It is often said, “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is today.” Trees enrich our lives in so many ways. They provide shade on a hot day, release oxygen, purify...
Mar 7, 2019 | In the Garden
Who would have thought that a little green beetle – not even an inch long – would cause billions of dollars in damage and lead to the death of millions of trees? The emerald ash borer (EAB for...
Feb 28, 2019 | In the Garden
Although commonly known as daffodils, the term Narcissus is the correct genus name for these spring blooming bulbs. Narcissus species and hybrids come in a myriad of sizes, colors, and forms, and...
Feb 25, 2019 | In the Garden
Narrowleaf vetch (Vicia sativa) is a common winter annual weed in the legume family, and it fixes its own nitrogen from the atmosphere. This plant has been grown since Roman times for livestock...
Feb 18, 2019 | In the Garden
Forsythia is a genus of spring flowering shrubs that burst into bloom in early March before their leaves appear. However, they are best known by their common name of yellowbells. Yellowbells...
Feb 13, 2019 | In the Garden
Have you noticed the persistent brown leaves still hanging on some deciduous trees long after their foliar companions have fallen? This usually becomes very apparent after normal leaf drop in early...
Feb 11, 2019 | In the Garden
Consider living plants as an alternative to traditional cut flowers for Valentine’s Day this year. Cyclamen, kalanchoe, and miniature roses are all great alternatives. Cyclamen has heart shaped...
Feb 6, 2019 | In the Garden, Uncategorized
Lenten rose is one of the first perennials to flower each new gardening year. The plant’s name comes from its typical spring bloom time in northern climates that coincides with the religious season...
Feb 4, 2019 | In the Garden
When I encounter paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) in late summer, I hear Tom Petty singing his 1981 release of “The Waiting”, where he sings that “waiting is the hardest part.” That’s what...
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