Author: Faith C Isreal

National Sweet Tea Day

Iced tea has been on the menu since the 1870s. What made the iced tea novel wasn’t the tea but the ice, which was quite a luxury back then. Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are a type of...

National Ice Cream Day

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, including National Ice Cream Day, which is always on the third Sunday of July. This year we’re celebrating on...

National Brown Bag-It Day

Bringing your lunch is a sure way to save money on eating out during the work week, and it’s also a great way to know what you’re putting in your body. You can always pack the classic peanut butter...

National Oatmeal Cookie Day

It’s Oatmeal Cookie Day! Oatmeal cookies have been around for years. Although our modern-day version is much sweeter, oatcakes and oatmeal cookies share many of the same ingredients, including...

National Apple and Cranberry Month

October has rolled in, and with it comes National Apple and Cranberry Month. At this time of year, you may see more and more recipes prepared with apples or cranberries. Apples and cranberries can...

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