Author: Mallory Maher

Great Backyard Bird Count

Looking for a fun, family-friendly activity? Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count this February 14-17! Watch birds, record your observations, and help scientists track bird populations. With tools like the eBird app, Merlin Bird ID, and field guides, birding has never been easier—or more rewarding. Happy birding!

Recycle Your Oyster Shells

Oyster Roast season is here, and this is your reminder to recycle your oyster shells! Our friends at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) have organized a statewide oyster...

Carolina Anoles

Do you have childhood memories of catching lizards in the backyard? Maybe you or your kids kept a few as temporary pets. Carolina anoles, also known as green anoles, are a common sight in a garden...

Rain Gardens as Wildlife Habitat

An increase in development and urban sprawl has created a need to develop more wildlife-friendly landscapes. All wildlife need food, shelter (cover), water, and space to survive. A rain garden can...

Am I Venomous or Poisonous?

“Is this snake poisonous?” I get asked this question a lot, and my answer is no. The snake isn’t poisonous, but it could be venomous. One of my biggest pet peeves is when a TV commercial or movie...

Attracting Wildlife to Your Backyard

“How do I attract wildlife to my backyard? Or “I want to see more animals in my yard.” I often hear this question/statement from wildlife-loving homeowners. It is important to note that you do not...

The Monarch Highway

The Monarch Highway is busy this time of year. So, keep an eye out while you are driving or outdoors. First, you may only see one, but keep watching, and eventually, you will see them fluttering by...

Living with Snakes

I grew up with a fear of snakes. I wasn’t born with that fear; a fear of snakes was passed on to me by my parents and countless other people. And if their influence was not enough, books,...

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