Category: In the Garden

Packsaddle Caterpillars

Have you ever been stung by a packsaddle caterpillar? If so, it’s an experience you will never forget. A number of years ago, I had an unfortunate encounter with one while picking corn, and the...

Copperheads In South Carolina

Copperhead snakes (Agkistrodon contortrix) are found throughout South Carolina and are one of the six venomous snake species, out of 38 total snake species, that our state has. The copperhead gets...

Nature Books for Children

We are so lucky in 2020 since there are many, many fantastic nature books for children. A google search “nature books for children” produces several large lists of excellent books. However, in this...

Potter and Mason Wasps

Sometimes we receive calls about wasps eating outdoor wooden furniture or even structures. While some wasps like paper wasps and yellowjackets will scrape wood with their strong mouthparts to make...

Citizen Science for Families

Sharing nature is one of the most satisfying, rewarding, and free activities you can engage in as a family. Nature is available anytime, anywhere, and even the smallest plot of land can become a...

Proper Disposal of Unwanted Medicine

You can help keep your family and our waterways safe by properly disposing of unwanted or expired medications. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the proper...

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