Citizen Science for Families
Sharing nature is one of the most satisfying, rewarding, and free activities you can engage in as a family. Nature is available anytime, anywhere, and even the smallest plot of land can become a...
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Jul 8, 2020 | In the Garden
Sharing nature is one of the most satisfying, rewarding, and free activities you can engage in as a family. Nature is available anytime, anywhere, and even the smallest plot of land can become a...
Jul 6, 2020 | In the Garden
During this unprecedented time of social distancing and stay at home orders, it is the perfect time to consider making something together with your family or housemates that have a purpose and...
Jun 29, 2020 | In the Garden
You can help keep your family and our waterways safe by properly disposing of unwanted or expired medications. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the proper...
Jun 29, 2020 | In the Garden
Blossom end rot is a troubling disorder of tomatoes that affects home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Numerous foliar calcium sprays are available that claim to solve this problem, but are...
Jun 25, 2020 | In the Garden
Clemson University’s Cooperative Extension Service is proud to offer a brand new program to the citizens of South Carolina! Many landscape professionals, whether in the private industry,...
Jun 22, 2020 | In the Garden
Perennial vines in the genus Vinca have proved to be sturdy and seemingly indestructible groundcovers for the Southeastern Unites States. However, over the past few years, vinca leaf-folder...
Jun 16, 2020 | In the Garden
The Asian longhorned beetle (ALB; Anoplophora glabripennis) is not easy to miss – adults of this large, black beetle with white spots, black and white striped antennae, and blueish feet are between...
Jun 15, 2020 | In the Garden
Summer is the perfect time of the year to propagate perennials, shrubs, and trees by stem cuttings. The primary benefit of cuttings is that all offspring are clones, retaining the same genetic...
Jun 10, 2020 | In the Garden
Our South Carolina water resources help producers grow the crops we eat, supply drinking water when we turn on the tap, and support industry and our outdoor lifestyle. It is important to recognize...
Jun 3, 2020 | In the Garden
How do you properly dispose of kitchen grease, and why is it important? When preparing meals in the kitchen, fats and oils are often used, and grease is typically leftover. Fats, oils, and grease,...
Jun 1, 2020 | In the Garden
Azalea lace bugs can be a very destructive pest in home landscapes. Lace bugs feed with piercing-sucking mouthparts during both the nymph and adult life stages. The resulting damage appears as a...
May 27, 2020 | In the Garden
Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a beautiful native wildflower that is an excellent source of pollen and nectar for beneficial pollinating insects. The genus name Asclepias is derived from the...
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