Gray Mold (Botrytis Blight)
Botrytis blight or “gray mold” is a widely distributed disease caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. It can infect some vegetables, soft fruits, flowers, trees, and shrubs, especially...
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Discover how Japanese Cryptomeria trees add elegance and function to gardens and yards.
Learn how overseeding with ryegrass keeps your lawn vibrant and healthy year-round.
Learn how Green & Gold brightens up gardens with its vibrant flowers and easy care.
Learn about Tall Fescue, a durable grass choice for lush, green lawns.
Sep 18, 2024 | Groundcovers, Landscape, Vines
Learn about the versatility of Ivy for creating lush, green landscapes.
Sep 13, 2024 | Landscape, Landscaping, Ponds, Water
Learn how native plants and design strategies can stabilize and enhance shorelines.
There are 60 different forms of euonymus available from American sources. They range from evergreen shrubs, such as Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus), to evergreen vines, such as wintercreeper...
Junipers grown in South Carolina are relatively low-maintenance plants if planted in the correct location and given proper cultural care. There are several common problems that can cause browning of...
In general, most viburnums are relatively pest-free. Occasionally, disease or insect pest problems do occur, and usually, during those times, the plants are under stress or growing in less than...
Diseases Black Root Rot: Black root rot is caused by the fungus Thielaviopsis basicola. This fungus primarily affects the root system and reduces plant vigor. Aboveground symptoms may include...
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